*Originally Posted Aug 8, 2012* A little hint of things to come on this page. Who is the mysterious Duchess? Why does she want the necklace so badly? X is quite right to be shitting her pants right about now. She’s got some good instincts that one. Next page, we’ll see what Mack is screaming about. You can probably guess its not particularly good for him. We’re almost 2/3s through the issue! Most ‘chapters’ in shifters are around 30-32 pages. Page 19, we’re chugging away here. We’re still working on schedule, trying to get ahead, but we have to work around Che/Mysti’s shifting work schedule, please be patient if updates are erratic. We are trying very hard to get ahead for regular updates and the bonus pages owed out. Unfortunately combat scenes are a little more challenging, and therefore take a bit longer to draw. You may have noticed the poll on the right side of the page. If you haven’t made some selections, please do. The graphic novel was a bit of a no-brainer, but I have to say I was a little surprised with the T-shirts coming up so high. Is there anything in particular you guys want on shirts? Toss some suggestions at me in the comments section below! There is an existing T-shirt I did featuring a stylized kinsmir face for sale here. Here’s the usual reminder that we are on facebookG+inkoutbreakTumblrTwitter, and even Livejournal if you are going oldschool for your comic updates. I also post updates on Deviantart and Furaffinity. If you want updates, subscribe to one of the above, I try to get them all when I update.. at least most of the time. :P Also, please tell your friends about Shifters if you like it! Re-tweet, re-share, re-blog! Word of mouth is the best way to show your love of the
Published On: June 30, 2022

18 thoughts on “Chapter 3 pg 19

  1. uh oh the shit just hit the fan

    1. no i belive that was 2 – 3 pages ago i belive the shitstorm has just begun

  2. Just wanted to say I love your comics, and am still waiting for an update to Brymstone. Keep the comic coming. I hope to one day see you do a kickstarter to get the books out. Once again this is one of the comics I am constently on the edge of my seat coming back every other day looking for a new update. You and your staff rock!

  3. Nice way of bringing the conversation from the other page over.

  4. … The phrase has always been jokingly used, but in this case your Karma really DID get run over by your Dogma!

    1. … Wait, crap. Other way around. … I plead haven’thadcoffeeyet.

  5. “Frikked”? =P How tame.

    1. Need to see the word “fucked’? instead? I was trying to get some flavor in the language, using something else instead of blatant swearing. Like.. Frak in Battlestar Galactica or Frell in Farscape. I guess I fail at it.

      1. You could always use “Fudge” Fudge Nuts” or “Nut Bunnies” some of my personal favorite swear word replacements. (Hands out towels because im sure some had just shot milk out of their nose.)

      2. I don’t need to see it. In fact I think the word has lost all potency. I was kidding, joking and or being silly. Frikked is fine, if only because it caught my attention.

        1. What if there’s a culinary slant? “Forked!”

  6. X: “Screw the Duchess!”
    Karma: “How do you think I ended up leading this mission?”
    X: “That’s…wait, is that even possible, considering we’re undead and all? Ugh, never mind that, that thing has an orbital cannon for a spirit wake!”
    Ben: *thumbing a text message into his iPhone* “Not yet she doesn’t…”
    Phone: “Roger, Sominus, received message for orbit-to-surface firing solution, firing for effect. Shot.”

    1. Well, they’re not undead. But otherwise pretty funny there.

  7. but isn’t blatant swearing more, u know, realistic? ………….. << ps. finally got avatar <<

  8. *throws shit into the fan like in the airplane movie*

  9. Orbital cannon for a spirit wake?

    I take it a spirit wake is a good way to judge how powerful or dangerous a were will be when they transform?

    Well sounds like ones just about down. Though how much will be left of the body after Ferrah is done is still up to debate.

    1. I’am guessing at minimum he will be torn in half at maximum all that will be left are a few smears of blood

  10. OMG U CHANGED IT TO AN UNCENSORED VERSION!!! :O Thank You, the FCC can go to hell

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