Chapter 3 Pg 48

The last page of this issue. OMG has this been forever in coming. It would have been up here sooner but my webhosting has been acting up and I’ve been juggling con prep with troubleshooting.

Speaking of cons, Che and I will once again be at Vancoufur this year in Richmond BC! It is happening March 9-12th. Details at their website,

Here’s the usual reminder that we are on facebookG+inkoutbreakTumblrTwitter, and even Livejournal if you are going oldschool for your comic updates. I also post updates on Deviantart and Furaffinity. If you want updates, subscribe to one of the above, I try to get them all when I update.. at least most of the time. :P Also, please tell your friends about Shifters if you like it! Word of mouth is the best way to show your love of the comic, share us on social media or consider supporting the Patreon.

Chapter 3 Pg 47

Second to last page of the chapter! A new chapter will begin, and holy cow is it about time right?? And here we see our spirit god, Wolf, in his more ethereal form.

Its gone a little slower than I would have liked due to some difficult health issues, but I’m still trying to push forward. Remember, Patreon members get pages sooner.

Here’s the usual reminder that we are on facebookG+inkoutbreakTumblrTwitter, and even Livejournal if you are going oldschool for your comic updates. I also post updates on Deviantart and Furaffinity. If you want updates, subscribe to one of the above, I try to get them all when I update.. at least most of the time. :P Also, please tell your friends about Shifters if you like it! Word of mouth is the best way to show your love of the comic, share us on social media or consider supporting the Patreon.

Chapter 3 Pg 46

Happy Halloween! Here’s a treat like update!

I had planned to do more for this month, but unfortunately I’ve spent the month terribly ill. First with Vertigo, then with a nasty ass cold that punched me in the sinuses and ears, and made the Vertigo extend its stay somewhat. But it seems to be slowly clearing up here, lets hope it stays that way.

These are the last of the Chepretiation cameos that were promised several years ago. I don’t forget! It just takes me a while to get things done at times. But hey, here we are!

There are actually four in this top frame. The last ones were in the previous page.

Here’s the usual reminder that we are on facebookG+inkoutbreakTumblrTwitter, and even Livejournal if you are going oldschool for your comic updates. I also post updates on Deviantart and Furaffinity. If you want updates, subscribe to one of the above, I try to get them all when I update.. at least most of the time. :P Also, please tell your friends about Shifters if you like it! Word of mouth is the best way to show your love of the comic, share us on social media or consider supporting the Patreon.

Chapter 3 Pg 45

I know, hell has frozen over or something right? RIGHT?? BAM baby. Nother update.

This is actually the first of two pages with Cameos that were promised years ago for the Chepretiation drive we had to get che a new computer when her old one tanked. I do keep my promises! It just sometimes takes a while. 😛

Here’s the usual reminder that we are on facebookG+inkoutbreakTumblrTwitter, and even Livejournal if you are going oldschool for your comic updates. I also post updates on Deviantart and Furaffinity. If you want updates, subscribe to one of the above, I try to get them all when I update.. at least most of the time. :P Also, please tell your friends about Shifters if you like it! Word of mouth is the best way to show your love of the comic or consider supporting the Patreon.

patreonicon And we are also now on Patreon.

Chapter 3 Pg 44

Two updates in a month?! *GASPS*

I know, shocking, isn’t it? First time there has been a ‘bonus’ page in quite some time. Actually in all fairness, I’ve been working on working ahead, but it took a while to build a significant enough buffer to be able to do this over longer.

September will see weekly updates and knock out the bonus pages owed, but then will likely drop to once a month, as that’s currently what the patreon will fund for colouring costs, as I have to pay Che for her work.

The patreon will always be updated in advance of the free comic, and I’m still sorting out the tiers rewards, but I’m trying to ensure it will be good for those who support the comic. Tagging on patreon is definitely helping with some much needed sorting.

Here’s the usual reminder that we are on facebookG+inkoutbreakTumblrTwitter, and even Livejournal if you are going oldschool for your comic updates. I also post updates on Deviantart and Furaffinity. If you want updates, subscribe to one of the above, I try to get them all when I update.. at least most of the time. :P Also, please tell your friends about Shifters if you like it! Word of mouth is the best way to show your love of the comic or consider supporting the Patreon.

patreonicon And we are also now on Patreon.

Chapter 3 Pg 43

So yes, its been a while, but I haven’t been idle. I’ve been building up a backlog so hopefully there will be regular updates. The exact schedule and frequency, I’m not sure, but I’m going for at least once a month, but there could be more. We’ll see how things go. Hopefully this helps ease the back to school blues.

Here’s the usual reminder that we are on facebookG+inkoutbreakTumblrTwitter, and even Livejournal if you are going oldschool for your comic updates. I also post updates on Deviantart and Furaffinity. If you want updates, subscribe to one of the above, I try to get them all when I update.. at least most of the time. :P Also, please tell your friends about Shifters if you like it! Word of mouth is the best way to show your love of the comic or consider supporting the Patreon.

patreonicon And we are also now on Patreon.

Chapter 3 Pg 42

Here’s another page, end of the month, but still in May. More coming soon hopefully.

Here’s the usual reminder that we are on facebookG+inkoutbreakTumblrTwitter, and even Livejournal if you are going oldschool for your comic updates. I also post updates on Deviantart and Furaffinity. If you want updates, subscribe to one of the above, I try to get them all when I update.. at least most of the time. :P Also, please tell your friends about Shifters if you like it! Word of mouth is the best way to show your love of the comic.

patreonicon And we are also now on Patreon.

Chapter 3 Pg 41

Well, its not really an April fool’s joke, since this is a legit page, but its probably more of a tease than I’d like it to be as I’m not sure when the other pages will get colored. The good news is that there is a backlog and I’m almost done lineart for this issue. The bad news is Che is super busy and hasn’t had time to color them. Starting with the next chapter, we’re going to talk about a shared coloring technique so that we can both color when needed.

The comic does update once a month however with the black and white lineart at my patreon, and color comics when they become available and whatever other goodies I feel like throwing at it. (which hasn’t been much often, I’ll be frank.)

Anyway, if you feel like tossing a few bucks my way and see the lineart updates, you can subscribe. I also post the color pages there first, then everywhere else.

Here’s the usual reminder that we are on facebookG+inkoutbreakTumblrTwitter, and even Livejournal if you are going oldschool for your comic updates. I also post updates on Deviantart and Furaffinity. If you want updates, subscribe to one of the above, I try to get them all when I update.. at least most of the time. :P Also, please tell your friends about Shifters if you like it! Word of mouth is the best way to show your love of the comic.

patreonicon And we are also now on Patreon.

Shifters Chapter 3 Pg 40

Been sitting on this a while, trying to work a page ahead or so in my patreon. Been trying to sort out a bunch of things. For those who don’t know, here’s why I’ve been so quiet.

In March of this year, my mother ended up in the hospital with very serious medical problems. She almost died of toxic shock from a bowel perforation. We also found out while she was in the hospital that she’s got Alzheimer’s, and it got really bad while she was in the hospital. She was very sick, and very out of it for some time. We are still dealing with the ramifications of her medical needs, now and ongoing as well as my family adjusting to a woman who’s really becoming quite different from the woman we all knew as my mother.

I’m doing my best to move forward. I want to, I have to. But it has been understandably hard. Che has also graduated and found herself gainfully employed in the animation industry doing posing for a major animation studio. As a result, she’s been working a lot and her time is very limited to do anything outside of her work. So we’re going to have to have a discussion about what’s going on going forward. Right now she’s colouring pages as she gets the chance, and I’m releasing them to the Patreon in black and white. When the colours are done, I’m posting them here. That’s kind of what’s going on for now until I can find something better. I’m trying to ease myself back into comics.

Che and I will be attending Rainfurrest this september. Che and I managed to score a table in the dealers area, so if you are in the Seattle area, or plan to come to Rainfurrest, please come and say hi.

Here’s the usual reminder that we are on facebookG+inkoutbreakTumblrTwitter, and even Livejournal if you are going oldschool for your comic updates. I also post updates on Deviantart and Furaffinity. If you want updates, subscribe to one of the above, I try to get them all when I update.. at least most of the time. :P Also, please tell your friends about Shifters if you like it! Word of mouth is the best way to show your love of the comic.

Shifters Chapter 3 Pg 39

New page. Of course Patreon patrons got to see it first at the beginning of February, which you too can get for less than a cup of designer coffee. *cough* Just saying. Patreon subscribers have been making it possible for me to afford to get these done and pay Che for her time. Although its a bit of a learning curve for me, in terms of how Patreon works, fees, etc, so there might be a bit of adjustment on the horizon as the pledged amount does not reflect the actual payout after fees and such, so that may be happening for March. It won’t affect this month however.

I will be at Vancoufur at the beginning of March. I’m trying to get the second Chapter of Shifters collected and printed, reordering some chapter 1 prints too.

Still plodding along. There will be a patreon stream Q&A this Tuesday, but there may be another public stream later in the week. I tend to stream between 8pm-12am PST, so if you are in that timezone or awake in that time frame, keep an eye out for the stream on social media or patreon.

Here’s the usual reminder that we are on facebookG+inkoutbreakTumblrTwitter, and even Livejournal if you are going oldschool for your comic updates. I also post updates on Deviantart and Furaffinity. If you want updates, subscribe to one of the above, I try to get them all when I update.. at least most of the time. :P Also, please tell your friends about Shifters if you like it! Word of mouth is the best way to show your love of the comic.