Chapter 3 Pg 42

Here’s another page, end of the month, but still in May. More coming soon hopefully.

Here’s the usual reminder that we are on facebookG+inkoutbreakTumblrTwitter, and even Livejournal if you are going oldschool for your comic updates. I also post updates on Deviantart and Furaffinity. If you want updates, subscribe to one of the above, I try to get them all when I update.. at least most of the time. :P Also, please tell your friends about Shifters if you like it! Word of mouth is the best way to show your love of the comic.

patreonicon And we are also now on Patreon.

Shifters Chapter 3 Pg 40

Been sitting on this a while, trying to work a page ahead or so in my patreon. Been trying to sort out a bunch of things. For those who don’t know, here’s why I’ve been so quiet.

In March of this year, my mother ended up in the hospital with very serious medical problems. She almost died of toxic shock from a bowel perforation. We also found out while she was in the hospital that she’s got Alzheimer’s, and it got really bad while she was in the hospital. She was very sick, and very out of it for some time. We are still dealing with the ramifications of her medical needs, now and ongoing as well as my family adjusting to a woman who’s really becoming quite different from the woman we all knew as my mother.

I’m doing my best to move forward. I want to, I have to. But it has been understandably hard. Che has also graduated and found herself gainfully employed in the animation industry doing posing for a major animation studio. As a result, she’s been working a lot and her time is very limited to do anything outside of her work. So we’re going to have to have a discussion about what’s going on going forward. Right now she’s colouring pages as she gets the chance, and I’m releasing them to the Patreon in black and white. When the colours are done, I’m posting them here. That’s kind of what’s going on for now until I can find something better. I’m trying to ease myself back into comics.

Che and I will be attending Rainfurrest this september. Che and I managed to score a table in the dealers area, so if you are in the Seattle area, or plan to come to Rainfurrest, please come and say hi.

Here’s the usual reminder that we are on facebookG+inkoutbreakTumblrTwitter, and even Livejournal if you are going oldschool for your comic updates. I also post updates on Deviantart and Furaffinity. If you want updates, subscribe to one of the above, I try to get them all when I update.. at least most of the time. :P Also, please tell your friends about Shifters if you like it! Word of mouth is the best way to show your love of the comic.

Chapter 3 Pg 38

Well its a new year, and thanks to our Patreon peeps, a new page! As promised, work was done over Xmas. Working on another page for next month already, should be done very soon, and of course trying to finish the rest of the chapter. Patreon peoples have had this page for a bit longer, and will get the next page earlier, but either way, its good news for all of you! Enjoy.

Still sorting out a lot of stuff, but we’ve made a promise to get at least a page a month (goal on patreon was met), so that’s what we’re going to do. It might be a bit mucky at first, especially after this chapter is finished as Che and I have to work out a style we can both color in, so if one can’t do it, the other can. Bear with us if styles change or are inconsistent for a little while.

In other news, Che and I applied and were accepted for a table at Rainfurrest 2015. This will be our first US con as a pair, my first US con since 2006. So if you happen to be attending that, come visit us! It is in Seattle WA, Sept 24-27.

Our convention schedule this year so far is as follows:

Here’s the usual reminder that we are on facebookG+inkoutbreakTumblrTwitter, and even Livejournal if you are going oldschool for your comic updates. I also post updates on Deviantart and Furaffinity. If you want updates, subscribe to one of the above, I try to get them all when I update.. at least most of the time. :P Also, please tell your friends about Shifters if you like it! Word of mouth is the best way to show your love of the comic.

Chapter 1 Pg31

Cos & Effect was pretty awesome, I met a lot of great people. I hope some of them found their way here. 🙂 Shifters is also now in Inkoutbreak. If you haven’t checked out this new way to find/read comics, its pretty neat.

Oh so close, only one more page before the chapter is FINISHED! And nearly 3 months of regular updates! Huzzah!

Ferrah is still oblivious to the fact that Kat has bigger problems than what is going on at the dance. And really, her skin watch is that cool.

Don’t forget the Kinsmir shirts are on sale in the store! And also don’t forget to favorite Shifters Facebook page!

Chapter 1 Pg 26

Another Monday, another page!

Karma is pretty ticked. Unfortunately his minions aren’t particularly obedient, at least the girl isn’t. We’ll be seeing their faces eventually here. But I think the page largely speaks for itself. Karma isn’t quite as powerless as his newest minion thinks, his powers are just… subtle.

Don’t forget, if you are in Vancouver, BC this weekend (July 23) is MINICOMI! Mad-Cheshire and I will be there selling our wares. Minicomi is at UBC’s Student Union building and is from 10am-5pm. Come and check it out!

Also, don’t forget we have a facebook page you should like if you haven’t already.

Chapter 1 Pg 23

And another update! Woo!

We’ve been kicking around the idea of a Shifters Podcast, but we’d like some input as to what sort of stuff you guys would like to hear on the podcast. We kinda thought it would be cool to take a shifters related subject or question and talk about it for about half an hour to an hour depending. But if there are other things you guys are interested in hearing about, please post your ideas in the forum.

Also! The costume contest ends this week! If you’ve been thinking about entering, now is the time! The thread to post your entry is here. Contest closes June 30!

Chapter 1 Pg 21

Booyah. Another page for you all. Mad Chesire’s colors look awesome, no? I moved the comic back to the front page. It did look kinda silly just being the blog, since you all come here for the comic, not to hear me yak about whatever. Although hopefully you will find that the blog is interesting too, because I will be using it to talk about Shifters stuff as we move ahead in the plot and I can without major spoilers.

Although on this page, I can tell you that the two movies that Ferrah got for her birthday are based on two RL movies, one actually called “Robovampire” ( no I’m not making it up.), and another called “The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra” Ferrah has a certain taste for B-grade horror flicks. Most of them terrible to the sufferance of her friends. If you are curious, you can view Skeleton on Netfliks I believe. I’m not sure where you can see Robovampire.. but hopping vampires. Enough said.

Don’t forget to like Shifters’ facebook page, or to enter the costume contest! There’s only been a few entries so far, and the contest ends on the 30th of June!