Chapter 3 Pg 48

The last page of this issue. OMG has this been forever in coming. It would have been up here sooner but my webhosting has been acting up and I’ve been juggling con prep with troubleshooting.

Speaking of cons, Che and I will once again be at Vancoufur this year in Richmond BC! It is happening March 9-12th. Details at their website,

Here’s the usual reminder that we are on facebookG+inkoutbreakTumblrTwitter, and even Livejournal if you are going oldschool for your comic updates. I also post updates on Deviantart and Furaffinity. If you want updates, subscribe to one of the above, I try to get them all when I update.. at least most of the time. :P Also, please tell your friends about Shifters if you like it! Word of mouth is the best way to show your love of the comic, share us on social media or consider supporting the Patreon.

Chapter End Caption Contest

As I said last week, this week is a break week between the old and new chapters. So we have a little game for anyone who wants to play it. We don’t have any official prizes per se, but all the submissions we get will go into a gallery for posterity and everyone’s potential amusement. All you have to do is save the jpg of the blanked out page I’ve selected and fill in the dialogue balloons with alternate dialogue for the characters. When you’ve got your masterpiece of hilarity, either post it in the forums in the Shifters area, post a link to it in this post, or email it to me at Next week I will post everything I get. Anyone can participate at any time so if you are a new reader, reading through the archives and come upon this for the first time, even months or years down the road and want to send one of these in to me, I’ll put it on the gallery page. Next week we’ll resume regular updates. I’ve also go the extra page meter up. If you want to see more frequent updates for the month of October, consider donating. Every little bit adds up!

Chapter 1 Pg 32

Well, after… five years? Chapter 1 is finally complete! Here we finally get to see what the new vampires look like without their masks. And now you know why they decide to target Ferrah.

There will be a little break here, one week between this issue and the next one starting up so that we can rebuild a bit of backlog to ensure the next chapter continues on-time and on schedule.

There was a question regarding if Shifters would ever update more than once a week. My response to that question is in the forums. I think I will be going ahead with putting up the tipjar, and for every 50$ we get in September, we will add one additional page into the October schedule (we need to plan these things in advance so it has to be for a month in advance) So you can expect some minor tweeks to the website soon to track how much has been donated.

The kinsmir t-shirts are also still available from the store, and I’ll be hopefully getting some more things up into it, like buttons and prints, soon here, as well getting the first Shifters book printed. (*fingers crossed*)

Another exciting thing is that we just recorded our first podcast! I will be posting it later this week in its own section (MORE website renos…). We are currently trying to schedule them every 2 weeks, but if there’s the demand, we may go higher. In the spirit of that, make sure to post your questions to the forum thread!

Don’t forget to like our facebook page, and fave us on Inkoutbreak if you happen to be on it!