Published On: April 29, 2022

10 thoughts on “Chapter 1 pg 23

  1. Huh… Ferrah’s chest looks kinds weird in the last panel. Her head is too small…. (Maybe it’s because of where her hair blocks her neck..?) I dunno…

  2. It’s really cool seeing this updating again, it looks great!^^ And mysterious dude goes POOF!

  3. I JUST KNEW that he was going to do something along the lines of LOOK, A DISTRACTION! XD

    1. lol ya he just seems like that kind of guy

      1. Well, you have to remember that I colored this and was starring at it for hours XD so with him pointing i was all hmmmm what’s he gonna say?

  4. Wondering if Ferrah notices Alice isn’t wearing any shoes =p

    1. Ohwait, they never came off, my mistake xD Well, wondering if Ferrah notices the broken-ness then, heh

  5. Weird guy: “Hey, is that a demonic duck of some sort?”
    Kat: *huff huff* “Uh, I wasn’t running from vampires in the form of a catgirl!”
    Ferrah: “Wait, what?”
    Kat: “I mean, um…sorry I’m late.”
    Director: “CUT!!!”

  6. Once again, love this im still tryin to figure out who he is but i gotta guess, this is Coyote’s human form lol *CROSSES FINGERS AND TOES

  7. hmmm….. the breasts are honkingly clear im talking about the last panel and a comment on the previous page for those of you who dont know what im talking about

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