Published On: April 29, 2022

17 thoughts on “Chapter 1 pg 20

  1. HUZZAH!

    Welcome back Shifters~ <3

  2. Man, it is good to see it actually uploaded 😀 -pride-

  3. And hereeee we go~ =]

  4. It’s good to see this webcomic back, too many good webcomics have died over the past few years.

  5. hey love the fact that this is in color!!! i waited for this for a long time…..woooohoooo

  6. oh btw mysti love what u did on the colors

  7. Hey, thanks a lot 😀

  8. Welcome Back!!!!!!

  9. Looking good.
    Looking forward to the enhanced and updated story. 🙂

  10. Sorry…not digging the way the blog is the first thing you see, with the newest page off to the side. Missing the old layout :[

  11. Congratulations, and welcome back.

  12. yaaa our hopes have finally come true welcome back

  13. Congrats on the relaunch. can’t wait to see where this goes.

  14. Woot! Updated! Awesome!

    Karma: “Shit! She’s tipping my panel with a claw! Get back, you idiots, or we’ll fall off the building!”

  15. Patience is thus rewarded, welcome back.

  16. Congrats on the relaunch, I’m happy to see Shifters back!

  17. I like the colours. 🙂

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