Chapter 2 Pg 23

Ferrah has a rather low opinion of vampires. And I just couldn’t resist. Really. Its kind of self deprecating humor, but hey, I’m Canadian.

In other news, due to some generous folk, there will be three(3) new additional pages coming up, so you should see double updates for the next few weeks. I’ve actually taken a bit of time off work to get them drawn. So we’ll start the double updates next week. *fingers crossed* Also, Sterling has posted another chapter of his story, and a bonus story that he promised as well.

Both Mysti and Myself will be at Vancoufur this coming March 9-12! If you happen to be in Vancouver and interested, I will be doing a panel on photoshop and webcomics. Come and check it out. 🙂

Here’s the usual reminder that we are on facebook, G+, inkoutbreak, and even Livejournal if you are going oldschool for your comic updates. I also post updates on Deviantart and Furaffinity. If you want updates, subscribe to one of the above, I try to get them all when I update.. at least most of the time.

Chapter 2 Pg 21

I really had to resist the urge to put “le gasp” instead of just ‘gasp’ in the end panel. I should probably brush up on my expressions so sound effects are unneeded.

You may of course speculate as to why Ferrah is gasping.

We have two more Cameos in this one, the first is our winner of the costume contest, Lunaticked! Serving punch! I forgot to ask what to costume you in, please don’t hate me. XD Second we have Stephen Hague of Cyrios, who was the mummy leg in the last picture.

Plot is going to move swiftly from here. I just have to figure out how to cram everything we need to into 11 pages or less. But oh, dear gods, the plans… I can only hope I can do it artistic justice to the vision in my head.

Just to point out a few threads in the forums, Mysti, the beloved colorist and a DAMN FINE artist in her own right is offering commissions. Very reasonable prices! There’s also a lot of discussion going on, random Shifters questions being answered and of course more story from Sterling!

Here’s the usual reminder that we are on facebook, G+, inkoutbreak, and even Livejournal if you are going oldschool for your comic updates. I also post updates on Deviantart and Furaffinity. If you want updates, subscribe to one of the above, I try to get them all when I update.. at least most of the time.

Chapter 2 Pg 20

Sorry it was late but drawing that crowd scene and the whole gym thing-you-can-hardly-see, was brutal. Plus the perspective on the band was a tough nut to crack. The band performing is a cameo of a real band, named Cyrios. David Hitchcock, one of the members of the band composed and recorded the Shifters theme song “New Moon” and the Vampire theme ‘tainted. You can listen to them both here. I keep meaning to ask David if I could offer New Moon as a digital download, but I keep forgetting. Hey Dave, can I? XD Email me and we can talk.
If we compare and contrast with the original Shifters, we are about here. I know, I know, its going a bit slower, but I’m laying foundations here. You have to admit, ya’ll know a hell of a lot more about the world and the characters and such now than you did at that same point in the old version.

The forum RP has seen a bit of a revival as of late, thanks to Bubbanator505’s persistance. Kudos to you dude. If you are interested, you can check out the threads here. Note that this site is NOT integrated with the forums. If you want to post on the forums, you’ll need to register there separately. Admin approval is there to avoid spamination, but I try to be quick about getting accounts approved. There’s also some additional Shifters related discussion taking place as well as more of Sterling’s writings.

I’m probably forgetting something I was going to say but its 1am and I need to sleep now. 😛

Here’s the usual reminder that we are on facebook, G+, inkoutbreak, and even Livejournal if you are going oldschool for your comic updates. I also post updates on Deviantart and Furaffinity. If you want updates, subscribe to one of the above, I try to get them all when I update.. at least most of the time.

Chapter 2 Pg 10

Oh Ferrah, you and your love of gore and horror! You see, the part you don’t know is that last year, when she used the cheap makeup on Alice her skin was stained pink for days and days afterwards, to say nothing of the itching rash. Sure the rash might have only lasted a night, but oh gods, the itching. Hence, her rather violent reaction. The eye patch, as gory as it is, is better than itching and a stained face. Ferrah is, of course, pleased either way.

Here’s the usual reminder that we are on facebook, G+, inkoutbreak, and even Livejournal if you are going oldschool for your comic updates. I also post updates on Deviantart and Furaffinity. If you want updates, subscribe to one of the above, I try to get them all when I update.. at least most of the time.

Chapter 2 Pg 9

Well we’ve finally gotten to the point with the costumes, so its obvious now who won. Congrats to Lunaticked! His cameo is coming up soon, as well as another special cameo spot to a certain group of awesome people.

If you are wondering why I didn’t announce it until now, I wanted to keep what they would be dressed up as a secret as long as possible.

Ferrah made the costumes herself, found an old set of scrubs and painted them up. Although I couldn’t resist making it at least a little sexy on Kat, considering last time she was in a slinky catwoman outfit.

Still taking suggestions for stuff to be in the rewards store. If you have stuff you want to see, please tell me! Also suggestions on how to make it work better for you guys as users so I can pass it along to the developer. As it was pointed out it is important to note that the link that is generate is DIFFERENT for each page. So you can send people to specific pages (like latest updates, best parts, favorite scenes) directly by copying the “personal link” on that page.

Here’s the usual reminder that we are on facebook, G+, inkoutbreak, and even Livejournal if you are going oldschool for your comic updates. I also post updates on Deviantart and Furaffinity. If you want updates, subscribe to one of the above, I try to get them all when I update.. at least most of the time.

Chapter 2 Pg 8

New Shifters page is up. Hear no evil, seen no evil.. but the bear can smell it. Did you know that bears have a ridiculously good sense of smell? Seriously, look it up. He’s in human form right now, so its not QUITE that insane, but he does enjoy certain more keen senses.

So last week, I mentioned about the new reward program, Coins, on the site. I was very sad that not one besides myself and mysti gave it a whirl. Come on guys! I need a little more volume of user participation to help beta test this puppy! NEED FEEDBACK. It doesn’t cost you anything, and you can earn free stuff! What’s not to love?

I’m not asking you to go out of your way, especially if you’ve already registered with the site. Just login, grab your personal URL and paste that puppy somewhere. Facebook, Tumblr, twitter, forums, somewhere. I know there isn’t a lot on the site yet to buy with coins, but there’s more coming. If you TELL ME what you want to see, I can work on making it happen! But I need people to talk to me. Nothing sucks more than working in a vacuum.

Here’s the usual reminder that we are on facebook, G+, inkoutbreak, and even Livejournal if you are going oldschool for your comic updates. I also post updates on Deviantart and Furaffinity. If you want updates, subscribe to one of the above, I try to get them all when I update.. at least most of the time.

Chapter 2 Pg 2

Now things should DEFINITELY be getting familiar, if you’ve read the old version, although in the old one I really skipped the details of the dance, which I shant this time. I didn’t realize back then how invaluable the setting of it was for character establishment and exposition. Well none of that glancing over shall happen THIS time.

If you can still stomach facebook since all the UI changes, we have a facebook page you can like. HOWEVER if you are more into Google+ these days, you can follow me on there for updates ( is my email addy, you can also search me under Marie Tary). I’m trying to use it more. If you need an invite, don’t be afraid to hit me up for one. Its MUCH better than facebook in many respects ATM, especially in light of the new UI changes to FB. PLEASE though, shoot me a note if you follow me to one of my posts either a shifters update or one of my posts asking people to ID themselves so I can put you in the right circle.