Its finally HERE!



Shifters Redux is finally begun! In full glorious colour thanks to the wicked skillz of Mad Cheshire. I’m going to keep the blog portion here on the front, unless there is a massive objection (if  you hate it, do leave a comment..), with the update picture to the side. I’d like to update the blog with posts on the Shifters Universe, contests, events, and other things going on like in the RP or in regards to conventions.

Speaking of conventions, I will be at three of them. If you are in and about Vancouver, BC this summer, mark your calendars:

Minicomi – Exibiting as an Artist
July 23rd, 2011
Vancouver, BC @ UBC

Cos & Effect – Artist Alley
August 13-14, 2011
Vancouver, BC @ UBC

V-con 36 – Artist Alley
September 30 – October 2, 2011
Vancouver, BC @ Sheraton Vancouver Airport Hotel

I’m in the process of putting out a Shifters book, and I’m waiting on printer’s quotes right now that I will be selling at the conventions. I’m also going to be selling buttons, jewelry, art prints & cards, and possibly shirts, depending on cash flow. More information closer to the events, and I’ll be posting pictures to prove I’m serious. I haven’t been the most reliable person, and I know I’ve got a lot of trust to rebuild in my audience. I will be working hard to do that.

The Circle is there to help keep me on track, and they’ve been doing a good job, as shown by the launch. They will continue to help keep me motivated, and I hope that you all will help too by leaving comments and participating in the forums.

Don’t forget, there’s the Costume Contest going on in the forums. Win a Cameo! Contest closes June 30. More details on the Forums. Also, don’t forget to LIKE Shifters on Facebook.

Only Three more sleeps – New contest

Only THREE more sleeps until new Shifters pages grace the site!

If you didn’t notice, I added a little count down clock on the side of the site so you could salivate over the remaining days before launch. I’m still planning on the 6th, I’ve got many pages of artwork done, but my colorist’s computer has been in the repair shop for about 4 weeks (honestly, I think she’s going a little bibbly about it) and I’m really hoping she gets it back soon, or you guys are getting black and white pages until she can get around to coloring them.

So I promised another contest around launch, and lo, here it is. :3

In the original comic (and in the Redux) Ferrah and Kat are going to a Halloween party at their school. Now of course, in the original they dressed up, and in this one they are going to dress up too. And therein lies the challenge to you, oh gentle reader.

Ferrah & Kat costume contest

Challenge: Draw or write up a concept for a costume for Ferrah or Kat at the Halloween party. The best costume will be used in the comic, and the contributing fan will get a prize!

The Prize: A cameo appearance in the party scene!

The contest will be judged by a panel of judges, including myself, one of our forum mods, the esteemed and twisted Gorble, and circle members Suicidal Lady, jaina and Lupis.

Entries will be judged on the quality of the entry (how clearly the costume is described or drawn), how creative it is, and how well it fits the personality of the character. It also has to be replicated over many pages, so while it has to be distinctive, it has to be easily redrawn over and over (so don’t go too ballistic on the details). Also, recognizable. Preference would be for more general, non specific to other canon entries.  Example: A generic Gangster would be preferable to a specific historical or fictional gangster.
There will be one prize per character, so it is possible for one person to win both slots or for a total of two winners (one for kat, one for ferrah) depending on the entries received.

While costumes may be somewhat risque, remember this is a HIGH SCHOOL dance. There are levels of decency expected. Make sure all bits are covered properly.

Please post your entries to this thread in the forums. You can link to a DA account, or use photobucket if you want to show images. Contest closes June 30th!


Also, there is now a facebook page for Shifters. You can ‘Like’ it here.

Are you all excited yet? XD

Winners of the “Creating the Circle” Contest Announced!

Yes, the winners have (or should have) already been notified. If you are listed here and DID NOT recieve email notification, please check your spam folder and make sure you add the messageboard email to your safe list.

The winners were, as per 3 judges, and in no particular order:

Continue reading “Winners of the “Creating the Circle” Contest Announced!”