Chapter 3 Pg 31

Here’s the page, a little late due to technical difficulties. If you haven’t heard there’s a huge attack on wordpress sites going on right now. So my host locked access to the login of all wordpress sites on their servers and just this afternoon supplied a work around so we could get into our sites. If you or someone you know runs a wordpress site, you should point them at this plugin. I’ve installed it now on this WP blog, and will be installing it on others. So if you are a member of the site and forget your password, do a password recovery before trying to log in too many times. 😛

In other news, congratulations are in order for the marvelous Che! She finally was accepted to her school of choice (after three years of trying very very hard to get in) and will soon be a magnificent and awesome animator of things. This is potentially very exciting. For all sorts of reasons. Yes.

Enjoy the page.


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