Chapter 4 South Of Normal

A new issue begins!

Sort of been considering how I want to do things going forward. A lot has been changing on the internets about how to best get comics to people, and let them read it. It sort of went from have it everywhere, to consolidate/social media, to have it everywhere and social media. So I’m considering how I want to do this given how things are changing. You may also see changes to the website at some point, don’t be alarmed. It just needs a serious overhaul.

Here’s the usual reminder that we are on facebookG+TumblrTwitter, and instagram. I also post updates on Deviantart and Furaffinity.  For early pages/previews/other goodies, consider joining my Patreon. If you want to watch me draw, i have a picarto, please subscribe for notifications of when I’m live. I don’t have a regular schedule yet.

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