Another Monday, another page! Moving closer and closer to the end of the chapter. In this version of the comic, its a little more evident that Ferrah is a bit boycrazy. This aspect of her personality comes from years of having boycrazy female friends. A tribute to women and their mancrush obsessions. Huzzah.
The costume contest is closed and the judges are judging. Stay tuned for the results!
Mysti (Mad-Chesire, our official colorist) and myself are looking to start a Shifters podcast, but we need QUESTIONS for the podcast from you, our wonderful readers. We’ve got a thread in the forums, which we’d ask that you post there so we can keep them all in one place. We need lots of questions about the world, or characters, or stories, or races, etc, so don’t be shy.
Don’t forget we also have a facebook page for notifications of contests and updates, so make sure you ‘like’ it!
Also don’t forget, both Mad Cheshire and Myself will be at Minicomi! It is from 10am -5pm at the University of British Columbia’s Student Union building here in Vancouver, BC, Canada. So if you happen to be in the area, come by and check out our booths! Its FREE to attend! And there will be a free concert around 7pm too.