Valentines Day Special

We at Shifters just want to say WE LOVE YOU. Complete with cheesy Valentine’s day cards provided by the ever talented Che. And as a special gift, we’ve turned these awesome Valentines into FREE WALLPAPERS you can download from the goodies section. Just log in to the website, and download the Zip file which has a full range of wallpaper resolutions for each design. If you haven’t registered for the site, you can do so here. Don’t worry, its free.

If you have an older monitor, and just want a 800×600 version, there are versions in the Gallery you can DL without logging in. But the high rez are nicer. 🙂

Okay, now we’re done with being mushy, onto the serious business as it were.

Its almost time for Vancoufur and I’m like.. freaking out because I’ve got a LOT of work to do and not a lot of time to get it done. Con prep is a bastard and a bunch of other things came up that are sucking up my time. I’ve got a business trip coming up for my work place where I am actually getting to fly to the East Coast of the USA for a week, and I’ve got a bunch of freelance work I’m trying to fit in between making con merch and trying to prep some work for the Artshow.

So the comic is kinda getting squeezed out. I’m completing one more page, but that being said, Che is also prepping with me, and she may not have time to color it for next week, we’ll see. Otherwise, it might be filler for the next 2 weeks. We’re gonna TRY to get a page done for next week, but the week after, for sure, will be filler of some kind.

Just an FYI for the most part, but we’ll be back after we’re done freaking out and flailing like mad women.


New Store – Earn Coins, Get Rewards!

So if you look at the top menu, you’ve probably noticed that there’s a new option, The Shifters Online Store! This is a digital downloads store for things like wallpapers, PDFs, and whatever other downloadable content I can think of putting up. While you have the option to buy these things with cash, you can also earn download rewards, just by spreading your love of Shifters!

For anyone registered on the site, if you log in, you’ll see you have a new option on the right hand side of the screen. It says “Your personal link:” and there will be a link there with a bit of extra on the tail end of the URL. That is your personal referral link. If you copy and pasta that somewhere (like your facebook, tumblr, twitter, on your forums where you frequent, personal website, etc), and people click it, you will earn “coins”, which you can spend like cash in the store. So you can earn free downloads from the store, just by spreading Shifters love around. Currently its 15 referrals for 1 coin to spend in the store. Each page has a unique personal URL, so you can use it to refer people to specific pages you want to share, or the newest page, or just the main page if you want. Its up to you and the situation in which you use it.

The plugin is a beta, it may have some weirdness associated with it. So if you do run into any bugs, please let me know. Also, if you have any suggestions on how to make it better, or things you’d like to see in the store, please let me know too.

If you’d like to see a video of how this is supposed to work, there is one here.

So go ahead and give it a try!