Chapter 2 Pg 11

Aaand there’s the second costume. Oh Ferrah, you need to learn to think these projects through a little more. But then, that’s part of her charm. Leap first, ask questions later…

In site news, we made enough donations last month for an extra page in December! It will occur as a double update in the last week of the month. So look forward to it. ^^I’m hoping to get a little time before or after xmas to do a little work on the site, spiff it up for the new year, so if things go a little wonky, just know its me mucking with the site design, hopefully making it better over all.

Here’s the usual reminder that we are on facebook, G+, inkoutbreak, and even Livejournal if you are going oldschool for your comic updates. I also post updates on Deviantart and Furaffinity. If you want updates, subscribe to one of the above, I try to get them all when I update.. at least most of the time.


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